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Soraa GU10 Vivid, 95CRI 2700K () 9,5W 25°

SORAA’s GU10 MR16 is the first ever narrow spot option in this form factor, outperforming halogen lamps.

Artikelnr 01969-B
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SORAA’s GU10 MR16 is the first ever narrow spot option in this form factor, outperforming halogen lamps. Neither halogen nor other LED competitors can create point sources small enough to achieve these narrow beam angles and high center beam intensity. Now, powered by SORAA’s third generation LED, our GU10’s still feature all of SORAA’s signature elements of light quality, with an even wider range of power options. Choose the right product series for your needs

VIVID SERIES: Our full-spectrum series brings you both VIVID COLOR (CRI-95, R9-95) and NATURAL WHITE Technology, with market-leading CBCP.

- Narrow spot CBCPs of 6000Cd at 95CRI
- Dimmable
- Suitable for damp locations. Enclosed fixture compatibility allows 7.5W to be operated in outdoor locations
- Available in 120V and 230V configurations, at 7.5W and 9W power levels
- Standard GU10 form factor, IEC compliant
- Available in 2700K, 3000K, 4000K, in beam angles of 10°, 25°, 36° and 60°

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